Paradise Magazine – Air Niugini

Welcome to the historical archive of Air Niugini’s Paradise magazine, 1976–2023.

Created to celebrate the airline’s 50th anniversary, this free archive contains digital editions of Paradise going back to the very first issue in 1976.

We hope you enjoy looking back over these old magazines and learning not just about the airline’s history, but also the culture, nature and history of PNG itself.

You can view a digital editions of Paradise in two forms, both available on this page:

  1. The ’emag’ or ‘flip book’ online edition hosted on the Issuu platform
  2. A downloadable PDF of each issue

Hyperlinks are provided below for both.

NB Please note that, in clicking on the hyperlinks or downloading PDFs, you may incur additional data charges. These are your responsibility. Please refer to your internet service provider before downloading if you are unsure what the additional costs may be.

Missing issues

While we’ve made every effort to track down every edition of Paradise, there are still some issues we couldn’t track down. If you have one of the missing editions, we’d love to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected].

Search the archive

The archive is also searchable: just enter a word, name of phrase in the search box above to search inside the magazines themselves.